- JYS can provide a wide variety of coatings from simple single layer AR coatings using Mg F2 and mirror coatings to complex multilayer dielectric stacks. Typical types of dielectric coatings are BBAR, ..

Coating Overview
JYS can provide a wide variety of coatings from simple single layer AR coatings using Mg F2 and mirror coatings to complex multilayer dielectric stacks. Typical types of dielectric coatings are BBAR, V-coatings, Dual wavelength AR coatings and HR coatings. Sharp cut-on and cut-off filters are also available.
Please contact us, if our standard coatings described in this chapter can not meet your requirements. Our engineers can design a special coating for you.
Coating Type
Properties and Application
Single Layer MgF2
Applied to materials with refractive indices from 1.45 to 2.4. The most popular antireflection coating for visible. They are insensitive to change in incidence angles.
Multilayer "V"
Used to provide low reflectance with in a narrow durable wavelength band for most laser application. Minimum reflection can be less than 0.1%
Broadband Multilayer
These coatings have excellent performance over a broad spectral range broadband. Coating performance is sensitive to angle of incidence.
Dual Wavelength Band
Offer very low reflectance at two widely spaced wavelengths, such as Nd:YAG Laser (1064) and its second harmonic (532) . JYS makes this a double wavelength waveplate.
Partial Reflection
Narrow Band
Provide 50% reflection and transmission at an angle of 45° incidence for a single wavelength. Perfect for beamsplitters application. Transmission/reflection (T/R) ratio of 20/80, or others for Beamsplitter is available upon request.
Over a wide bandwidth provides 50% reflection and transmission. JYS can also provide coatings with different R/T ratios at and specific angle of incident.
Laser Line Polarization Beamsplitter
High reflection for s-polarized and antireflection for p-polarized for laser application.
Broadband Polarization Beamsplitter
Wide wavelength bandwidth provide high reflection to s-polarized and antiflection to p-polarized
Dichroic Beamsplitters Mirrors
These coatings can separate the laser fundamental and the pump wavelength, or the fundamental and the second harmonic. They are specific applied to laser mirror.
High Reflection
Dielectric High Reflective Coatings
Provide high reflectance over a broad bandwidth, and is ideal for a tunable laser or in white light applications.
Metallic High Reflective Coatings
Metallic coatings have low peak reflectance, mechanical durability and damage threshold, but they have extremely broadband and low cost. They are insensitivity to angle of incident light and polarization.